- 产品特性
彩色陶瓷颗粒骨料是我公司开发的一种新型路面材料。它是采用高岭土、长石、石英和粘土为主要原料,外加无机高温色剂,经高温烧制而成,颜色有红、黄、绿、白等四大色系,采用改性乳化树脂作为粘结料,彩色陶瓷颗粒为骨料铺设的彩色防滑路面,具有防滑耐磨、环保耐腐、色泽鲜艳、高档美观、永不褪色、坚硬牢固、使用寿命长等特点。广泛应用于高速公路、飞机场、飞机场跑道、火车站、地铁、公交车站台、停车场、公园、广场、学校和宾馆饭店、办公楼写字楼等的路面铺设及标识。该产品在构造景观城区、景观小区、美化城市环境方面是目前市场上{sx}的新型材料。 1、色系:有红、绿、蓝、黄四大色系。 2、规格: Ⅰ型: 1.0~2.0mm Ⅱ型:2.0~3.3mm Ⅲ型: 3.3~5.0mm 3、性能指标:比重:2.25-----2.45g/cm3 堆积密度:1200----1450kg/m3 吸水率:<3.0% 莫氏硬度:>6 Color ceramic particle aggregate is a kind of new-typed pavement material developed by our company. It is made of kaolin, feldspar, quartz and clay as their main raw material, added by non-organic high-temperature color agent, burned in the high temperature, who are in four color families of red, yellow, green and white. Nature-changing emulsifying resin is used as coherence material. Color slide-proof pavement covered with the color ceramic particle aggregate is characterized with slide-proof and enduring grind, preserving environment, enduring erosion, having bright color, looking luxurious and beautiful, remaining colorful, firmly consolidating, and having longevity. They are widely used for pavements and signs of expressways, airports, driveway of airports, railway stations, subways, bus stops, parking lots, parts, squares, schools, hotels, office buildings. They are the first-choice new-typed material on the present market for the forming of scenic city propers, scenic residential quarters, and beautifying the municipal environment. 1. Color families: red, green, blue, and yellow. 2. Specifications: Type-I: 1.0~2.0mm Type-II: 2.0~3.3mm Type-Ⅲ: 3.3~5.0mm 3. Technical indexes: Gravity: 2.25—2.45g/cm3 Piling density: 1200----1450kg/m3 Water-absorbing rate: <3.0% Mohs’ scale of hardness: >6 |