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  【重庆瑞峰名表售后服务中心:免费热线400-6790-808 地址:重庆解放碑环球金融中心LG层B01A】重庆一宝珀售后维修中心   重庆一宝珀售后维修中心首先看表冠是否拉出,秒针是否碰到表镜,在表镜上会出现1个圈痕,3针是否接触,当针与针重叠时,看可否走过,{zh1}请专业人士检查1下,电池是否耗尽。   the rolex watch repair first article inspection on the dial needle, first with the stalks bent axis table whether, if the table, hold a gear wheel to dial, dial needle observation, points, when the second hand for the collision between each other, have collision phenomenon will adjust the reasonable gap between each other. No collision phenomenon to watch the second hand and rolex watches without friction between glass, clock and watch any friction between the surface phenomenon, there is friction adjust the second hand and the tissot watch glass, the space between the hour hand and the dial, no friction, no unload the hours, minutes, second hand, to observe whether hour wheel diameter is the center of the hole in the center of the dial. According to the above diagnosis procedure can be found walking three against failure   按按键不可以用很大的力气,免得不起作用液态晶体板运用5至七年就应该另换新的了干电池无电要趁早抽取,避免得流液腐蚀机芯。   重庆一宝珀售后维修中心汗水,污垢等均会腐蚀手表外观件,并可引起个别皮肤过敏。1般的金属链带和防水表壳,可以使用清水清洗,然后以软布擦干。如果接触到海水盐水,需要彻底清洗干净。但特别注意的是即使您的手表是防水性很高的手表也请不要将手表以放在水中长时间浸泡的方式清洗。新买的手表要撕掉后盖上的保护膜,否则汗水会残留在中间腐蚀后盖。手表要避免接触各种化学物品, 1旦碰到,要及时清洗干净,以免引起镀层变色   重庆瑞峰名表售后服务中心【咨询热线】400-6790-808重庆解放碑环球金融中心LG层B01A 重庆一宝珀售后维修中心   【维修地址】重庆解放碑环球金融中心LG层B01A【咨询热线】400-6790-808 重庆一宝珀售后维修中心