
客梯地板GX-JD 005

客梯地板GX-JD 005

价格: 电议 元
卖家: 唐先生

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电 话:0769-23169167
传 真:0769-23169167
邮 箱:915282461@qq.com
地 址:东莞东城街道主山高田坊新村5巷4号3楼

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以上为客梯地板GX-JD 005详细参数信息,客梯地板GX-JD 005图片由广东中迅电梯有限公司提供,客梯地板GX-JD 005
  • 产品特性
       Guangdong Xun Elevator Co., Ltd. is a joint stock limited foreign technical cooperation , the company specializes in manufacturing high-end luxury series of commercial passenger lifts, residential elevators, stretcher elevators, escalators tourism , medical lifts, elevators and escalators , and other products , the company from Germany introduced a high-precision, high intelligence , multi-functional CNC equipment , the entire production process in Germany ladder products use advanced technology to achieve the world's leading elevator companies in the technology transfer and production of high- quality machine input , so that the company's products to achieve fast a series of high -quality elevator, the elevator has become a fast electromechanical industry in considerable strength and size of the elevator business , welcome customers to visit .
selec the fast elevator guaranteed to make you feel more satisfied
